Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 4: Bus Fuzz

Hello readers! Today was an incredibly good day, I truly enjoyed myself. Except for the morning :/ It had been about 2 years since I took a bus... okay maybe thats a little exaggeration but it had been a long time ... which led to missing the bus I had to take to meet up with Chickie! Instead of getting to San Jose at 10am I got there at 10:30 :(! I mean seriously we stopped at every bus stop from my house to downtown! However, the little trip was relaxing and fun... we walked around and took pictures :) practiced some of my "photography skills"... props to me all of them were taken in manual! I usually never do that :P We walked around Barrio Amon, one of the loveliest places in Costa Rica. Every time I go I feel inspired and like I can keep dreaming  Just take a look at this pictures and you will see for yourself!
This is a three-story building with tinted windows. That is the second floor balcony! 
I love that street but more specific the light post! Why in the world did they stop making them that way! :P 
This is photo I like alot... not for the character but for the rocks! seriouslyy!!!!! I want to do a photoshoot there :)  
Jaw dropping building :) or what I like to call my future home! If you ever see it on sale let me know ! I will see what I can do...
There is something about this murals around downtown that its just so unique and to some extent interesting.
:) This is chickie in a totally abnormal door xD I think people were short before or something most door and garages are small hahahaha
Yeahhh this is just following the contemporary photos trend :)!  For those who do not know spanish, that is misspelled... do not write that in your exams or what not! :P
Oh! I made a photoshop action for you guys, if you would like to edit your photographs like the ones that have blue, yellow and red... Download it here! I hope it works if you can't download it just leave a comment on this post with your email and I will just email it straight to you! For what is left of my day I will do pilates, clean my room cause I haven't cleaned my mess from the DIY ... and... the best part of all ... skype the awesomest man on earth I hope your day is just as great as mine! Until tomorrow!

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