Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 2: Handy Tale/ Tail

Hello! ... parenthesis .... I think my favorite part of blogging is probably putting the titles xD! ... Anywaaayyyssss..... Today, I ran errands from 8am-1pm, fail.. I know! However once I got home i bummed for a while, then Chickie ( #1 blog fan) came over and gave me a birthday present and it was a ring... which turned into my day inspiration... by the way, thanks  again :D! loved it! <3  I decided to be handy and make a new jewelry holder.... It turned out quiet well! I made it all with things I found around my house, thank God my mom doesn't read my blog lol. I made a small "step by step" instruction if you would like to make something similiar :D

I believe the fact that need to be highlighted on this little project is that most things were reused! All I spent was 200 colones which equals less than $.50 so if you are interested see what you can find around your house! And don't tell your mom that is key hahaha she will find out eventually, can't wait! 
This is so you won't think am serious! :P Bye.

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