Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 3: Stef-discipline

    It is 12:25 am... I am late on the blog. I have no excuse! To be completely honest I need to learn self-discipline, like now! I woke up today at 11am... I slept wayyyy tooo lonnggg. Then I went out to the mall with my brother returned around 4:30 pm, meaning I have been procrastinating since. I have two big projects I have to finish this and next week. I just haven't gotten my head around them. Also, today was my second day not doing polaties :( Ahhh I feel like a fail! On the other hand, I did do my nails and hair, at least! lol  and I realized I broke my hair length record! This is as long as it has ever been MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! 21 years  and 11 days to be exact :)
   Incredible! Yes, ironing my hair took longer than ever but I am kinda liking it. I apologize to myself for being a complete fraud xD I will get back on track and get some stef-disciple. No seriously,  I promise the next blog will be more entertaining! Goodnight!

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