Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 6 and 7: Thunder Weekend

 I guess I should somewhat apologize cause I didn't post anything yesterday, in my defense I arrived home at 3am and I was very tired.  To narrow it down, yesterday I started a little project I hope to show you a little of the finished product tomorrow! Then at night I went out for a friend's birthday party. The place was nice it was my first time.  In a room that should only fit 25 people there was like 80! It was crazy packed but I enjoyed it.  You guys should have been there, the dance floor floor (haha a little confusing there) shook like crazy! I thought we were all just going to go through the ground.

As for today, well it was definantely much different. I got to spend it with incredible people.  I woke up at 9:30am went to church, it was my little brother's first time since the hospital so that was interesting. For lunch we went out to eat with many of our church friends, which includes Matias this little boy...
 He happens to be my favorite person to photograph! :) It had been a while since he had let me. Today we played and talked.. I felt so special! Its probably cause I am mature now! lol. After I went to the supermarket with Hans and Val (my sister and her boyfriend) and we happened to bump into EVERYONE'S DREAM! A THUNDERBIRD in teal! this car is truly an attention grabber, ice cream with all desirable toppings, all that good stuff. Its gorgeous.
Awkward story of the day: I was taking massive photos of the car... Val and Hans were commenting to each other how great the car was. Happens to be that the owner was standing there all along.. just waiting for us to walk away! :P Hahaha This weekend was enjoyed but it went by like thunder and it hit fast and hard! Hahaha I am ready for a good night sleep! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 5: Loading...

Well, day 5 has not yet started hahaha... Just kidding, I slept too long again.. surprise! I woke up late and since then I am in zombie mode! Its incredible! I wish I could feel awake for at least 1 hr :) then I would workout lol. I blame yesterday's workout for my laziness I am extremely sore but since my day just begun I will be doing some later on! Today wasn't all a fail I watched Mean Girls and launched the promotion ad for the photo shoots coming up, hopefully. And that is basically it. Oh! I did do something sorta productive... I downloaded music, took the whole day! I highly recommend:
Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
Never Saw The Point by Cults
Some Chords by Dead Mau5 
Jello by Far East Movement (feat. Rye Rye)
Brokenhearted by Karmin
Erase Me by Kid Cudi (feat. Kanye West)
Most Wanted by Nicki Minaj
Sing Together by Train
All about us by He is we (feat. Owl City)
Dancing in the Dark by Mat Kearney

If you don't have them get them :)! They are incredible! Those are 10 out of the 90 songs I downloaded lol. So I will be rockin' tonight! I am probably going to bed extremely late. As for you the rest of my "day" is a mystery haha. Goodnight readers.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 4: Bus Fuzz

Hello readers! Today was an incredibly good day, I truly enjoyed myself. Except for the morning :/ It had been about 2 years since I took a bus... okay maybe thats a little exaggeration but it had been a long time ... which led to missing the bus I had to take to meet up with Chickie! Instead of getting to San Jose at 10am I got there at 10:30 :(! I mean seriously we stopped at every bus stop from my house to downtown! However, the little trip was relaxing and fun... we walked around and took pictures :) practiced some of my "photography skills"... props to me all of them were taken in manual! I usually never do that :P We walked around Barrio Amon, one of the loveliest places in Costa Rica. Every time I go I feel inspired and like I can keep dreaming  Just take a look at this pictures and you will see for yourself!
This is a three-story building with tinted windows. That is the second floor balcony! 
I love that street but more specific the light post! Why in the world did they stop making them that way! :P 
This is photo I like alot... not for the character but for the rocks! seriouslyy!!!!! I want to do a photoshoot there :)  
Jaw dropping building :) or what I like to call my future home! If you ever see it on sale let me know ! I will see what I can do...
There is something about this murals around downtown that its just so unique and to some extent interesting.
:) This is chickie in a totally abnormal door xD I think people were short before or something most door and garages are small hahahaha
Yeahhh this is just following the contemporary photos trend :)!  For those who do not know spanish, that is misspelled... do not write that in your exams or what not! :P
Oh! I made a photoshop action for you guys, if you would like to edit your photographs like the ones that have blue, yellow and red... Download it here! I hope it works if you can't download it just leave a comment on this post with your email and I will just email it straight to you! For what is left of my day I will do pilates, clean my room cause I haven't cleaned my mess from the DIY ... and... the best part of all ... skype the awesomest man on earth I hope your day is just as great as mine! Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 3: Stef-discipline

    It is 12:25 am... I am late on the blog. I have no excuse! To be completely honest I need to learn self-discipline, like now! I woke up today at 11am... I slept wayyyy tooo lonnggg. Then I went out to the mall with my brother returned around 4:30 pm, meaning I have been procrastinating since. I have two big projects I have to finish this and next week. I just haven't gotten my head around them. Also, today was my second day not doing polaties :( Ahhh I feel like a fail! On the other hand, I did do my nails and hair, at least! lol  and I realized I broke my hair length record! This is as long as it has ever been MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! 21 years  and 11 days to be exact :)
   Incredible! Yes, ironing my hair took longer than ever but I am kinda liking it. I apologize to myself for being a complete fraud xD I will get back on track and get some stef-disciple. No seriously,  I promise the next blog will be more entertaining! Goodnight!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 2: Handy Tale/ Tail

Hello! ... parenthesis .... I think my favorite part of blogging is probably putting the titles xD! ... Anywaaayyyssss..... Today, I ran errands from 8am-1pm, fail.. I know! However once I got home i bummed for a while, then Chickie ( #1 blog fan) came over and gave me a birthday present and it was a ring... which turned into my day inspiration... by the way, thanks  again :D! loved it! <3  I decided to be handy and make a new jewelry holder.... It turned out quiet well! I made it all with things I found around my house, thank God my mom doesn't read my blog lol. I made a small "step by step" instruction if you would like to make something similiar :D

I believe the fact that need to be highlighted on this little project is that most things were reused! All I spent was 200 colones which equals less than $.50 so if you are interested see what you can find around your house! And don't tell your mom that is key hahaha she will find out eventually, can't wait! 
This is so you won't think am serious! :P Bye.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 1: Jeans and beans

Today is the first day of my 14 day series :) Aka I am on vacation and I refuse to be a couch potato so, this will help me keep my days busy and going. Everyday will be titled depending on the highlight of the day. Ready.. Set.. Go...  :D

Today April 23, 2012 was an exceptional day (sarcasm)... I went back to basics or what I named beans :) All I did was fix a couple of clothing and bags, later on, I did pilates for the first time... I nearly died.. but I will keep it going for the rest of the 14 days atleast! Then ran some errands... I wore a long sleeve jean button  up blouse with jeans. I kept thinking I broke a fashion rule! NEVER WEAR JEAN ON JEAN! xD Oh well! This is probably as much as I will rebel:P!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Colored Paintings by Stefanie Gómez

I spend about 5 hrs experimenting a little with colors, portraits, expressions and most of all different brushes. I think I am getting close to were I want to get, as far as painting. 
Worried Serer by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in

Monsieur Muslim by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in

Marabout by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in

Baby Girl by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in

Dancing Wolof by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in

Worker by Stefanie Gómez
Medium: Tempera
Size: 22 in x34 in