Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blogs Update

Here are some of my favorite blogs and well recently I have been able to catch up. I will do a small update of the blogs and I picked out a post I liked.

I have been following her blog for about 6 months now, and I am very glad to see Rylee, her baby in this world now :) I congratulate her for becoming a mom now... and her friend Erica, who takes amazing photos. 

Her name is Alix, she studies fashion. Basically I love her blog, cause of photography, she will suggest amazing music, and I like her sense of fashion.

Cecilie is a graphic designer, however she blogs anything in the art world. I picked this post cause I just found the color amazing and shocking. I simply loved the work of Christel Bangsgaard. Which I wouldn't have seen if it wasn't for Cecilie. 

Here, is something a little different as well from her blog. This a project called 'The Art of Clean Up' by  Ursus Werhli.

Okay so, Garance is my favorite blogger, I lover her style in photography... in fashion.. in food..etc. I believe anything she does is amazing hahaha :)  I highly suggest checking her blog out. 
Ps. I want white converse:)

I love Jane's blog, I think she is unique and original. I like how she will wear things most people wouldn't.

Once, in a while they will have amazing ideas up:) like this lamp idea i love it.

 7. Designboom
They always have mind blowing projects like this one. You should just go ahead click on the photo and read all about it.  I was left speechless. 

 8.todayandtomorrow I think its my second favorite, but I want you to find out on your why :)

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