Tuesday, November 27, 2012


ADWEEK recently took out The 10 best commercials of 2012, and I as I was going through them I realized... advertising is not about the product no more! Its all about values and great messages. I am only putting five of them because to me they are the best. So let's start with my favorite:
Procter& Gamble - Best Job
(Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, Ore.)
Makes me tear up every time. I think its because I can connect with it, I have very supportive parents and I often think that without them I would be lost. Anyways, I know that unlike any other, this commercial sends the message of perseverance, true love, dedication, etc.

Wideroe Airlines - Granpa's Magic Trick
(Agency: McCann, Oslo, Norway)
Another amazing, playful spot, this one has different message more based on a grandparent qualities. As always, grandpapas have a little surprises that spark up our day. 

The Guardian - Three Little Pigs
(Agency: BBH, London)

Of course the Cannes Gold Winner! I love the whole plot around this. Some how, yes, they are showing you the product but they are making it more about what goes on in our world day to day.  Focusing less on the actual website and more on the story.

Nike -  Jogger
(Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, Ore)

The narration to this spot is incredible, the message is clear and i am sure its something we can all relate to. I think its very interesting how we never actually see a nike tennis shoes, or logo until the very end. 

Red Bull - Red Bull Stratos
(Partners: Riedel Communications, FlightLine Films)

This is is very different than the rest. I applaud the team that helped make this happen. Jumping from space had nothing to do with Red Bull really, yet everybody googled and chatted about it as the "Red Bull Stunt".  It for sure got all the attention desired.

So, for next years be prepared for commercials with amazing meanings;)

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