Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life at SCAD-Savannah (Fall 2012)

This is a very small part of amazing people I have met at SCAD. My experience started this fall and I hope to continue on until my graduation in 2015.  I don't know where to start to describe the greatest moments in Savannah. Well, I will start by saying the place is beautiful and antique. I live in the historic district of Savannah... just a couple of blocks away from Broughton, from there a couple more blocks to Riverstreet and if you walk the opposite way you reach Forsyth Park. I am right in the middle of it all. 
Riverstreet at Night 2012. Taken by Stefanie Gomez 
As for people, like I mentioned before I have met the best of the best. I don't have photos of all those amazing human beings, however they have influenced and made my experience at SCAD simply incredible. There are also those humans that you can only find in Savannah, like the antique shop owners and well the men that you find randomly just hanging. To them I thank them, because they make me feel like there is a whole new world/culture for me to explore. Everyday I learn something new!
Me in the center, awesome personas! Taken by Kathrine Norsk

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