Thursday, August 25, 2011


Astou. I met her in Senegal, Africa. She is a child with independence always on her mind. She is ready to fight with the world. No child could stand in her way or she would cry until she got it her way hahaha. I will never forget the big smile she would have after "winning" such a thing. Living with her was a whole experience. I felt as if I was one of her big sisters. Often, after a nightmare Astou would come running to me- she would ask with her gorgeous eyes.. "Tu peux venir dormi avec moi, sil tu plait?" (Can you come sleep with me, please?) I said no a couple of times... but when I would say yes, her eyes would brighten and she would fall asleep while I would softly pat her bare head...  I love her, she is amazing.
Astou (while she had extensions on) photograph by Stefanie Gomez.

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