Saturday, March 3, 2012

The importance of random

Lately I've had a lot in my head. Carlitos is healing, his symptoms make me cry everyday! I am such a girl!:P I pray he heels soon... with that being said. I have being doing things for my parents and taking care of things they forget to do, and well school and all those crazy things. So in the past week I have three things that have been paradise/ oasis! 
1. I went to run some errands and summo my chow chow decided to join. There was something about this that made me so relaxed and happy. I bet it was his extremely adorable face!
2. There was a day with no electricity, meaning I could not do homeworks... Forced me to go outside since I dislike the dark. And well I sat in the hammock for about 30 minutes. I felt like that hammock was a big cloud where I could look over the situation and arrange my problems and organize myself!
3. I attended to a two day workshop which actually should have been three days, specially cause the teacher was Jose Gamboa who expressed various times his attraction to the number three. Anyhow, it enlightened me in some of my weaknesses in my work. I believe there was a lot said in the workshop which well I have to organize myself. I aswell won a sketch book!:D I never win anything :P lol So that was exciting I guess I will start by organizing the ideas of the workshop to get into a conclusion! 

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