Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What ended up being a Father & Daughter trip

I had a class at SCAD which is in Savannah, Georgia :) 
and well due to a couple of little things... my dad joined me! I have to admit it was alot of fun :D! It had been a while since I had spent so much time with him!...

We touristed :P around! Let me take you to amazingness!;) So the image above is my dad and I.... which was actually the only photo we took together :P cause we are good tourist who take photos of their surroundings :P Anywayss.. that was at tybee beach ;)

It all started with a little walk around town :) 
Where I saw savannah's most special characteristics apart from historic.... it had two sides to everything :) just as it can be antique and almost creepy-damatix, it can be vintage-urban-modern.. you know what I mean :P
Tybee Island Beach :D<3 we went for sunset... it was incredible!
Gatta love the electrical room xD
After we went for the haunt to find the lighthouse, I have no idea why it was so dificult for us xD
And then... we visited THE SMALLEST CHURCH IN AMERICA :)!
Overall, it was increible, amazing, fun, tiring, smiles, and hope :D

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