I have been all around… and I can say Senegal makes me smile. It can be very very dirty, it can have the ugliest buildings and the most unattractive sceneries… but through all that you can see a light! There is something shinning! … Children, lovely day stars.
There are so many, always playing or working. They have their lives ahead of them. Some “knowing” that they have a nothing in the future…
… With that, I want you to picture this:
The day sky full of stars... all shinning miles away, each in its place where God placed them. The sky is blue, zero clouds, zero sun... just the stars!
So, think about it what happened? What are the stars doing in the day? … They seem as if the night forgot them. There are so many how is that possible! How can the night so wonderful... leave them just there, leave them to be! (Think about it… and try to understand me.)Surely, the night did not forget them... maybe its just waiting to see. The moon comes once in a while ... to give them a chance, inviting the day stars into the night sky.. to shine as strong as they can until the end of times... and through!!
... fortunantely, they are still young... they are the future.